Motherhood is a a beautiful journey from start to finish. From the first moment you find out, to birth, and to every little moment you share with this little mini version of you. Christi and Gage were expecting their rainbow baby after suffering the loss of their daughter last year. Seeing Christi grow through these stages with her son is a honor and one of my favorite journeys of the past 9 months. Their earthy woodland maternity session is a tribute to the nature of motherhood and a celebration of the life they brought earthside.
Scarlett, their first, loves giving mama’s belly kisses. She is going to be an incredible big sister and I can’t wait to see her in action. She is a strong willed toddler with her own agenda, so we let her explore the towering forest and enjoy her final days as an only child. Christi is glowing and so excited to welcome her son into the world. I’m sure Gage is equally excited to have a son! It’s only a matter of time before their family of 3 will become 4, and it’s going to be beautiful.